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  • Writer's pictureSvndance KE

3 Volatile Stocks You Should Invest In At The NSE Today!

Here are the 4 main volatile stocks at the NSE that can earn you a 25% profit within a time-base period of 2 weeks.

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Carbacid Investments Limited (KES 8.00)

The company is involved in the production, processing and marketing of carbon (IV) oxide gas in Kenya. They are the leading supplier of CO2 gas to soft drinks manufacturers, breweries, food processors and hospitals in the East African region. Considering the low share price, it's large market share and its robust ability to withstand a pandemic, I would strongly advise you to invest in it.

Sasini Tea (KES 18.65)

Sasini Tea, being one of the main producers of tea products in the country, has held a very dominant spot among investors who seek to make quick returns on their investments. During the past few weeks, production of tea in the country has been relatively high compared to the low demand from the market, thus making supply-and-demand problem.

Tea price had opened the year on a high of Sh224 a kilo but the value has been going down since February in what has been attributed to decreased demand of the beverage as a result of the Covid-19, which has disrupted the market. ~ Gerald Andae, Business Daily

With the opening of international flights at the start of the year, sales are likely to go back to normal and this in turn will increase produce exports to international borders. It's a stock to invest in.

Williamson Tea (KES 129.75)

Williamson Tea Ltd is a company that requires one to have a large initial investment, due to its high share price all-year round. Its volatility can earn you a high return on investment when you invest in it at a particular low share price and sell it at a higher price. Most investors choose this stock due to its strong dividend payments that come at the end of its financial year. I would still recommend for you to invest in it, if possible.

Other volatile companies you can invest in include Unga Group (KES 32.70) and Centum Investments (KES 21.70)

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