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  • Writer's pictureSvndance KE

Taking Advantage of This Quarantine Period

Updated: Apr 2, 2020

Enjoy the Corona Virus (COVID-19) lock-down by making yourself productive and engaging than ever before.

Since the Swine Flu pandemic that originated from pigs back in 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) has established that the COVID-19 may become worse than what we expected. In a span of 70 days, the virus has recorded a death toll of more than 4,200 people globally. This is more than double the number recorded by the flu - 1,614 people. Serious precautions about this virus should be the first priority in the next couple of weeks.

Well, here are some ways in which you can make use of this precious time at home.

1. Practice good hygiene

There is no better way to prevent getting into contact with the virus than having a clean surrounding. Do a sweep of all the corners in your house to make sure there aren't any signs of cobwebs or dirt piles. They say an old broom knows every corner, right? Use hand sanitizers, soap or even warm water to wash your hands after coming into contact with various surfaces around the house. This eliminates the potential threat of the virus residing on your hands. Your productivity increases and makes you home feel more at home.

2. Redesign your home

Changing the appearance of your home once in a while gives you a certain feeling of satisfaction. Why not go ahead and change the living room's pattern! (....apart from mzee's chair). Place a vase of your favorite scent of flowers at your point of choice to give the air around a fresh natural smell. Clear up subtle materials around the house that you don't need to have that spacious new look you've always wanted. Try adding some new home-made accessories around your home to always keep you and your family's charisma on-top in these hard times.

3. Interacting with friends/family members

We have all been at that point where we went a day or two without even saying a word to your fellow beloved while still living under one roof. You all might have been going through tough times for the past couple of weeks or months and haven't been able to share it with anyone you trust. This is the time to freely interact with them and talk about your deepest desires, problems, goals without having to blame it on work or school or any other activities that might have taken priority. These are the people who know you best and understand what you might be going through. They are your loved ones. Talk to them.

4. Trying new dishes/recipes

Food is one thing that unites us all. If you don't agree, you're an alien. There are so many types of meals one can prepare. From preparing a normal plate of fries to fixing your favorite traditional food. Making your favorite cup of coffee to blending a cup of fresh juice . Preparing a 3-course dinner to ordering some Chinese takeout. (btw...UberEats has free deliveries). The list is endless and so are the recipe sources. You can find them from websites, cooking shows on TV, videos on YouTube or even Instagram. A good example is the which has the best brunch options I have ever tried i.e. Fluffy Pancakes.

5. Putting in the Extra Effort

At times, things can be tough. You may have been experiencing a lot of pressure at work or grasping a number of concepts has become quite an obstacle at school during the past months. This may have lead you to become a little bit unproductive and diminished your morale. To put this stress at bay, try learning something new, something out of your daily ordinary. Read a book you've always wanted to. Make a funny video on TikTok and share it with your friends. Create something new. This will rejuvenate your psych and unleash the power to overcome your difficulties like doing more research on the project you've been working on. Don't come out the same person you were before the quarantine period.

6. Exercising

Exercise is an important part of all this. Staying put for a long time will make you feel very inefficient and relaxed. Download one of the several applications on your phone that give you a daily exercise routine you can follow. A good example is the Home Workout app that requires no equipment. Scientists say that daily exercise not only keeps your body in good shape but also stimulates your brain to work harder and also relax at the same time. You might have heard this step over and over again. But seriously, it's pays off dearly.

The increase in cases detects a lot of hesitant response from citizens around the world. Stay safe by keep off the streets and washing your hands regularly.

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